DAC - 2023 | Hardware Support for Durable Atomic Instructions for Persistent Parallel Programming Khan Shaikhul Hadi, Naveed Ul Mustafa, Mark Heinrich, Yan Solihin In this paper, we propose a new approach to solve the problem - durable atomic instructions (DAIs). We show that DAIs can be supported with minor hardware support (low-cost modifications to the cache coherence protocol), and simultaneously achieve high performance, scalability, and crash consistency. |
ICTP - 2017 | Modeling of photocurrent and dark count probability of InGaAs/InP Single Photon Avalanche Photodiode Ahammed Mofasser, Samprity Saha, Khan Shaikhul Hadi, Farseem M Mohammedy, Yasser El-Batawy In the present work, photocurrent characteristics of InGaAs/InP based SPAD device are analysed. The device in the model employs self-differencing method and operates in gated mode with 1GHz gating frequency in near infrared region. Dark count probabilities have been generated for varying single photon detection efficiency (SPDE). |